
Thoughts on everything that matters right now in marketing, communications, and insights.

Category: PR

The best of Quirk’s Brooklyn Posted on March 23, 2020 by Iosetta Santini

With over 1300 attendees, the sold-out event that took place in New York felt like a success to everyone that took part. The friendly atmosphere and interesting sessions made Quirk’s Brooklyn a “must-return” event for anyone wanting to dive deep into market research’s latest developments and trends. As a new member of the market research industry, attending a content rich event like this was an invaluable learning opportunity. Walking into a room filled with people that you’ve never seen before

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8 tips to help you master your marketing from Insights Marketing Day Posted on February 25, 2020 by Iosetta Santini

At the end of January, we hosted the third Insights Marketing Day (IMD) London, in partnership with our friends at GreenBook and Little Bird Marketing. This year over 65 attendees from insights agencies and suppliers across the UK joined us to hear practical marketing advice to help their businesses grow. The agenda of clients and experts from insights and beyond, including topics such as company messaging, personas, marketing automation, and mastering your presentation skills, was specifically designed to provide tangible

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Why passion is not one of your company values Posted on January 8, 2020 by Lucy Davison

I have lost count of the times have I run a workshop with a board of suited, grey, middle-aged, male accountants only for them to insist that they are brimming with passion and it has to be a core value for their organisation? Really? I don’t know about you, but I like my passion decorated with hearts, along with a bottle of The Veuve and some rather smooth sheets. When on earth did passion creep into the board room and

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Reasons to be cheerful for Behavioural Insights Posted on December 9, 2019 by Simon Dunn

So, not sure how many readers will get the Ian Drury reference here, but Behavioural Economics makes me happy! The wonderful simplicity of those insights grounded in a true understanding of what makes us all tick and nudging us unconsciously to change our ways; the stories about how we behave in wonderfully, and at times hilariously, irrational and emotional ways. That reading a book about behavioural economics or about behavioural economists is actually entertaining, and dare I say, enjoyable. All

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Mustard welcomes Iosetta Santini as new junior account manager Posted on December 5, 2019 by Iosetta Santini

In August 2019, we welcomed PR, media relations and social media expert Iosetta Santini as our new junior account manager. After starting her career as a reporter in her home country of Italy, Iosetta now has four years B2B PR experience in London and has worked on successful international PR campaigns with brands in finance, healthcare and technology. Iosetta enjoys the variety and challenges of B2B PR and has already thrown herself into the world of data, research and insights,

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Why awards? Posted on by Simon Dunn

It’s freezing out. But inside it’s hot, hot, hot! 870 research and insight people partying like it’s, well, 2019. On Monday 2 December I was lucky enough to join the Quirk’s table at the MRS Awards in Old Billingsgate right on the Thames in the City of London. And a very good time was had by all. But these events are not only about celebration. While the winners cheered and the champagne corks popped I was thinking about all the

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Make 2020 the year you master your marketing Posted on October 31, 2019 by Iosetta Santini

Join clients including Unilever, Brown-Forman and Philips at Insights Marketing Day London on the 30th January 2020. We’re very excited to announce that, in partnership with GreenBook and Little Bird Marketing, Insights Marketing Day will be back in London next year! Taking place on the 30th January 2020 at The Congress Centre in central London, this is your exclusive opportunity to receive vital advice from experts inside and outside the market research industry that will help your company stand out from

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Getting a case study right first time Posted on October 29, 2019 by Iosetta Santini

Whether it’s on your website, on stage at a conference, or in trade press, a case study can be an invaluable way of demonstrating the success and impact of your work with real clients. However, the journey from a successful project to an impactful case study can be long, and in some cases, delicate. The most effective case studies, regardless of the channel you’re using, require a few key elements: An attributed client - This can sometimes be tricky. Many

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Is brand purpose leaking into MRX? Posted on October 15, 2019 by Iosetta Santini

Our communications director Adam Warner shares his thoughts on the showcasing of social and commercial research at ESOMAR Congress, held in Edinburgh in September. Click here to read more on Research Live 

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6 tips for getting media coverage for data, market research and insight Posted on June 17, 2019 by Iosetta Santini

We all know that the insights industry suffers from low awareness and a poor PR image. If only those pesky journalists knew about all the great stuff we do, the situation would be very different. But it’s not as simple as just sticking a press release on a wire service. Here are some things you need to do if you have ever thought about trying to get some coverage in the media yourself. 1) Define your audience Think about what

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