
Thoughts on everything that matters right now in marketing, communications, and insights.

Researching intersectionality: understanding and learning inclusive behaviours Posted on March 7, 2022 by Braden MacDonald

MRSpride x CORe: IN+ERSECTIONAL PLATFORM Market Research is all about understanding. Knowing what makes consumers tick and what demographics they neatly fit into is key. But inclusivity is a challenge. For some people it’s not easy to fit in a box – and those boxes aren’t as applicable as they may be for others. This is a core tension for MRX – we both need to categorize in order to measure, and we need to be inclusive if we are

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Pushing boundaries and taking risks: our take on NewMR’s ‘Presenting and Reporting’ webinar series Posted on October 29, 2021 by Braden MacDonald

Through its two waves of research into the state of market research reports and reporting, carried out between 2019 and 2021, NewMR recognised the need for researchers to up their game when it comes to reporting. Only 30% of report recipients rated reports as ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ in 2019. Its ‘Presenting and Reporting’ webinar looked at how to engage and inform your audiences, with its speakers looking at different aspects of presenting, reporting and communicating. Along with our very

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How to be famous Posted on September 21, 2021 by Braden MacDonald

The market research industry is notoriously bad at PR. Researchers work with fascinating insights, tell great stories and help with interesting and high-profile campaigns, so why aren’t they shouting about it in the media? Read on for our top tips on how to be famous. First, let’s think about why we need fame in MRX. The answer starts with data – if the industry is well-known, understood and trusted, people will be more likely to take part in studies and

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The secret sauce to being noticed Posted on July 14, 2021 by Braden MacDonald

‘Be noticed, be remembered, be understood,’ is Mars Wrigley’s motto when it comes to its advertising. But, as Michelle Gansle, formerly Senior Director of Insights at Mars Wrigley says, this mantra can also be applied to insights agencies when they approach clients. Speaking as part of the client panel on Day 1 of Insights Marketing Week (the COVID-friendly online reincarnation of IIeX’s Insights Marketing Day), Michelle joined with fellow client-side researchers Nijat Mammadbayli (UX Researcher, Adyen), Dieter Deceuninck (Global Director

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Are your PowerPoints lacking pizzazz? Posted on March 30, 2021 by Braden MacDonald

Take your graphic design skills to the next level To design professional and impactful materials we all need graphic design skills. But, how many of us in insights understand design and approach our work in the way a graphic designer would? And now that meetings, events, presentations, coffee, dating and just about everything else has been taken online, getting clarity and impact from your deliverables is more important than ever. Fear not! Simon Dunn, Mustard’s very own graphic design guru

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Views on MRS Impact – from a new(ish) recruit Posted on March 30, 2021 by Braden MacDonald

I had heard a lot about the MRS Conference, the networking and the parties, never mind the conference sessions themselves, but since I joined MRX during COVID I have never actually been to a ‘physical’ research industry event – ever! How would this leading industry event, shape up to being purely virtual? From looking through the programme, I could tell this was a line-up of big names – from politics and the arts, and both client and agency-side. So, I

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